Our Team

Charli Hoialmen

Diversified Management Systems, Inc.

Ms. Charli Hoialmen has a career background in business management, sales and marketing. She is recognized for her ability to increase sales and profitability, improve productivity and promote an atmosphere of teamwork and professional growth in various industries, including service industries, business management, professional services, process and manufacturing industries, computer software/hardware, and distribution.

Charli Hoialmen has used that experience to promote organizational success in the businesses she has assisted in achieving certification to many standards, including ISO 9001Quality Management Standards, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, AS9100 Aerospace, ISO 27001 Information Security, FAA requirements and Healthcare Accreditation and others, utilizing the standards to create a platform for improving business profitability for several organizations in service, healthcare and manufacturing.

She participated in the first International Standards Workshop for the purpose of developing ISO 9000 guidelines for healthcare and has also assisted in the development of the first hybrid standard (ISO 9001and Healthcare Standards).

Ms. Hoialmen was the consultant responsible for assisting the first healthcare accrediting body(ACHC) to achieve certification to the ISO 9001 Standard. She served on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of ACHC. She was the consultant on the first healthcare hybrid system to undergo a “dual” audit/survey process. She was also the consultant for the first national medical device company to combine ACHC accreditation standards with quality and business management standards including ISO 13485, the Baldridge National Quality Program and others to attain optimal operations.

Ms. Hoialmen is currently a member of the US TAG (Technical Advisory Group), involved in the revisions to the ISO 9001 Standard and ISO 10014 –Guidelines for achieving financial and economic benefits utilizing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 10008 Guidelines for B2C electronic commerce transactions. She also is a certified auditor trainer for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Ms. Hoialmen was the consultant to some of the first organizations to successfully achieve certification to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.


  • ASQ Healthcare Division 1999-2014
    Past Membership Chair/Newsletter Editor
  • ASQ Automotive Division 2001-2014
  • American Society for Quality 1997-2014
  • Industrial Technical Agreement Workshop 2000
    Participant in workshop to develop ISO 9004 Guidelines for Healthcare
  • International ISO Conference Technical Committee 2013-Present
  • Member of the U.S. TAG 176 and Z1-Q Standards Committees


Kevin M. Whalen

Mission-driven US Army Special Forces Operator with over 15 years’ experience in training, advising and leading military and police in some of the most demanding environments in the world. Proven track record of applying advanced research and analysis skills to identify and neutralize potential threats and training others to do the same. Ability to work collaboratively in high-pressure situations.


  • Lead QMS Auditor
  • ISO 27001:2013 Auditor


  • Assisted in a project that resulted in a medium sized company achieving ISO 9001 (Business Management) and ISO 27001 (Information Security) certification
  • Responsible for security and storage of classified material related to training
  • Responsible for the security of team classified material.
  • Led a team of counter-intelligence (CI) investigators that conducted initial CI review of all human intelligence collected by CJSOTF-AP in Iraq
  • Advised and led partner forces in over 30 active combat operations in Iraq
  • Ensured the security and safe storage of all cryptographic (COMSEC) hardware and software without loss or compromise.


Diversified Management Systems’ ISO certification consultants provide our clients with the “Winning Hand” strategy they need to achieve improved profitability and financial growth. Please contact us today to discuss how our experts can create a customized “Winning Hand” for your organization.